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Dez 2021
Dr. Stefan Miedler

Beaver Bobcats Bazinga

Supreme Grand Champion

Regional Winner '22

Regional Winner '21

* 06.06.2020
red classic tabby with white (A/a)


Brösel - which is the austrian word for "crumble" - is one of the funniest cats I've ever known. He is always full of energy and my most reliable toy-tester. He isn't afraid of anything or anyone and i don't regret keeping him as a breeding male.

I am looking forward to the development of this amazing boy - which looks very promising at the moment <3

2nd Best Cat Austria 2022/2023

16th Best Cat Europe South 2022/2023

Best Norwegian Forest Cat Europe South 2022/2023

3rd Best Norwegian Forest Europe South 2021/2022

19th Best Longhair Cat  Europe South 2021/2022

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